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Smile Assure™

Smile Assure™

Never pay full price for braces again!

Ask us about the Smile Assure™ dental health insurance program! Only available through Hudson Orthodontics! Coverage includes the following services:

Smile Assure Retainers (Included $3,000+ value)
Custom Whitening (Included $4,500+ value)
Smile Assurance + Braces (Included $5,500+ value)

Enroll Today to Protect your Smile!

Standard Removable Retainers

  • Replacement of any lost, broken or damaged retainers!

Custom Whitening Kit

  • New whitening package twice per year*

Retreatment with Braces or Aligners

  • Smile Guarantee backed by Hudson Orthodontics!
  • If your teeth ever shift for any reason, you will have access to retreatment with braces or clear aligners at our office!

Terms and conditions may change without notice at any time. Services excluded from Smile Assure™ program include bonded retainers, Hawley retainers and Invisalign.